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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Buying a Steering Wheel Cover?

By Colin Samuels

Steering Wheel Covers might seem to be a bit of an odd thing to buy, however covers do have a few different purposes. They will not just give your vehicle a designer touch; they will also enhance your grip on the steering wheel and stop it from becoming damaged during general use.

Shopping for steering wheel covers presents you with a lot more options than you may think. Keep this in mind and put together a plan, or a list of features you would like. This will ensure that you do not just purchase the first cover you see on impulse.

So by what method could any person locate the proper cover for their automobile? Take into account the following suggestions and at some point you will find the proper steering wheel cover:

Set the price " Steering wheel covers can be a bit more pricy than most people might think. While a basic cover will set someone back less than $5, a more complex cover can run about $35 or more. To keep pricing in check, it is wise to set the range within which to look before trying to shop. Pricing will impact material choice, but there are solid options in every range.

Get the size down " Steering wheels are not one-size-fits-all and neither are covers. To make sure the fit is right, jot down the diameter of the wheel and the circumference of the grip itself. If this sounds like too much work, just have the vehicle make, model and year written down.

Explore the materials " Covers are made out of a wide variety of fabrics, plastic and leather. It is possible to find covers in cloth, sheepskin, vinyl, leather, suede and even wool. Each does have its advantages. Cloth covers, for example, are rather inexpensive and they tend to keep a steering wheel cooler. Leather covers look spectacular, but they can get hot on really sunny days. Suede can improve steering wheel grip if this is an issue. Expect to pay more for high quality materials like leather.

The next thing you need to do is select the color. These grips are made in almost every color that you can possibly imagine. Generally, people go with neutral colors. If you wish, you can find a match for the color scheme of your vehicle. Remember that dark colors can quickly absorb heat. I if you would rather not have an extremely hot steering wheel, then you probably will avoid a black steering cover. Unfortunately, it does an excellent job of reflecting heat.

Remember that a smooth gripped wheel is going to be harder to hold onto, especially in the winter. That is where a steering wheel cover with a good grip can come in handy. Try to get your hands on one that has a cushion and a decent texture, and you will find that your fatigue is reduced and that travel on the road will become a lot easier.

Steering wheel covers can be found in a number of outlets. When it is time to buy, these accessories can generally be located in online auto boutiques, through dealerships, from upholstery shops and other similar outlets. - 21396

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The Beginners Guide To Paint Gun Handling - Car Spray Painting

By Mario Goldstein

For those that have an interest in cars, it is their first priority to keep the car in top running condition. At the first whisper of a banging or knocking, up goes the hood to see what is amiss. Then if the problem is found, out come the tools and the repairs are made. If all, else fails and the cause can't be found, then off to the mechanics shop it goes. Aside from this, the car gets regular cleaning and scheduled cleaning.

If you own a spray gun then in deserves the same care as you give your car. Obviously, you are using your spray gun to paint and coat cars with so if you want the best for your car then give the best to your gun.

You spray gun has three aspects aside from the proper use. There is cleaning, maintenance and repair. You need to know when and how these three operations have to be carried out.

Cleaning: The first time you put your gun away dirty you most likely have caused some form of irreparable damage. Many facilities now are being forced to use enclosed gun washers. Even if you are only using your spray gun as a hobbyist, it is still best to follow whatever the basic industry regulations are as they are normally put into place for your safety and the safety of others.

If you are using one of these enclosed washers then make sure you follow all the instructions that came with it. You will probably read that your gun should never be left it the cleaning unit for more than 60 seconds at time.

Don?t just put your gun in there and come back hours later. The effects would be the same as soaking your gun in thinner and that?s not something you want to be doing. Just as you have to clean your gun, you have to clean your washer as well. Be sure to clean the solvent regularly.

If you overuse it condensation begins to build up and this causes acids. These can be just as bad for your gun as dried paint is. In addition, the debris in the dirty solvent will damage your gun as well. Don?t let the solvents get into the airways of the gun either and be sure to dry the gun when you take it out of the solvent.

Maintenance: By properly checking your gun prior to each use you are going to get the best performance from it. If you don?t and you get a big spatter on that panel you are painting then you have just made a whole lot of new work for yourself. To keep you gun in top shape lubricate it. If you use it daily then oil it daily. Pay special attention to the packing because this is the area that dries out.

Repairs: Don?t try to fix it yourself. Let the professionals do the job but you can certainly help by telling them exactly what the problem is so they can identify the areas that need their attention quickly. - 21396

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How To Restore Your Car Paint - Finishing Bodywork

By Mario Goldstein

If you are performing, auto body finishing your work area has to be almost sterile unless of course you enjoy having to strip, sand, repaint and buff repeatedly on the same car because something got into the paint or finish or you left some residue and went onto the next step. If there is anything present that could ruin your finishing work then it probably will.

One of the most valuable assets you can have is a quality wax and grease remover. Most often the to the job at home guy ends up with an inferior finish if all due to not removing the residue of anything from the car like old wax and dirt build up or airborne debris.

There are solvents that can be used but you are taking a chance when you use these. Many novice auto body finishers are devastated when the mistakes made before the primer application start to appear. The key to being successful is to know the right materials for the job. Then it?s knowing how to use them. Finally when and where should they used.

What You will Need -There are lots of products that will remove grease and wax but you need to remove silicone. -You will need about 3 gallons - Solvent and lint free rags actually cheesecloth or tough quality paper towels are the best -detail scrubbing brush to get at hard to get spots where there may be silicone

Do Not Use -regular lacquer thinner (can create havoc with paint systems) -enamel reduced (same reason) -cheap rags (Note: if you really have to use lacquer thinner work quick and don?t let it soak into the prime coat too much or too long)

Degreasing Times: It certainly is not a one-time operation. At least not when you consider that if you were to even leave one print smudge on the car it will likely show up as discoloration in the finish. It is imperative that you remove any and all of grease, wax and silicone? -prior to touchups -prior to the bare metal conversion coating -prior to filling and glazing -prior to primers -prior to basecoat -prior to finishing coats

The Right Spots to Degrease: The areas that you are going to be working on such as the body and panel.

Do not miss around all these areas? Trim, weather stripping, cowel louver, panel joints and air intakes Inside the head and taillight apertures, only necessary if you have removed the trim or bezels. Also around the door areas, inside of hood and the lid of the trunk and the wheels

Be absolutely sure that you remove all the cleaner and then wipe with a clean rag. If in doubt do it again.

Reasons for Degreasing -To know you are going to get the best results - its yours and the business reputation at stake -the cost of the materials such as primer surfacer, primer, metallic, clear coats -labor of yours and what you pay in wages - 21396

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Credit Cards and Choosing One

By Bob Jones

Almost everyone over the age of consent (18 or 21) has or wants a credit card nowadays and they are taken in almost every establishment. There are three major kinds of credit card common in America. The first major sort of credit card is travel and entertainment cards such as American Express or Diners Card. These have to be paid completely at the end of the month and are generous on spending limits.

The second major type of credit card is the bank card such as Visa, Master Cards, GM, and Ford cards distributed mostly by the banks. The bank defines the spending limit, which in bank speak, is known as the credit line and each bank offers different terms and conditions. Banks offer a selection of payment means: you can either repay the balance in full with no interest charges or pay the minimum (or some part of the balance) with a finance charge.

The other major kind of card is the retail store card, such as Sears, J.C. Penney, Shell or Mobil. These store cards and the ones from gas companies, which are known as fuel cards, are only accepted in specific countries. They usually do not have annual fees. There is a wide variance in the terms and conditions for these cards.

Different kinds of credit cards offer different options. Some are designed for individual consumers, while others are designed in ways that work best for small business needs. To know what type of credit card fits your needs, you should review a few options.

How to Choose your Credit Card.

Credit cards are a part of everyday life for most people living in the west. It's becoming increasingly impossible to avoid them, especially for business men. So, if it is the first time you are about to enter into the realm of credit cards, here are some of the basics you ought to look out for.

First, compare the interest charged on all the credit cards you are interested in. While the rate may not remain fixed indefinitely, it's always better for beginners to go for the one charging the least interest.

Make sure you read the small print carefully, especially with regard to the other charges that can be applied, like late-payment fees, annual fees, and whether there is a grace period, which is normally given before the finance charges kick in.

You should decide what spending limit is most suitable for someone of your income level. Furthermore, the fewer credit cards you have, the better placed you will be to track your spending pattern.

You should compare the services and other features such as the cash back incentives, or warranties, rebates and such like and check whether the card is accepted widely enough to suit your needs.

You will do yourself a favour by familiarizing yourself with the following terms: 1] Annual Percentage Rate: this is the measure of the yearly cost of the credit. 2] Finance Charges: these are the total charges involving the transaction. 3] Period of Grace: This is the period the issuer gives you before he starts charging you interest on new purchases. (Note that not all credit cards have a grace period). - 21396

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Learn How To Negotiate a Car Lease Correctly To Keep More Money In Your Wallet

By Karl Grutache

You need to go into this situation believing and knowing you can learn how to negotiate a car lease. A lot of people who may want to negotiate don't know they can do it or its an option so they just let it go. If you are serious about it, you must negotiate on the price, because if you don't they will have you spending more than you have to.

Popularity for this technique has risen over the past several years. But, you must first consider if you should even be thinking about negotiating a lease as an option for you at this time. Depending on your current situation, it may be of more value for you to buy instead.

If you want flexibility and you are not sure what your situation is gonna be as early as the following year, then it is probably a good option for you. At the same time, if you are an individual who habitually buys a new vehicle every few year, you should strongly consider doing it. If so, you should definitely know how to bargain for yourself.

In reality, everyone should reach a point in their lives, where they know how to debate cost, because this skill will come in handy, especially with automobiles. When dealing with price of a vehicle, two basic skills are a necessity, determination and knowledge.

Determination is definitely needed, but in this scenario, knowledge is the bigger asset to have. The 'MSRP' or manufacturer's suggested retail price is the significant piece of information you need. All it is , is the price of a vehicle being set by the auto company, that price is then given to the dealership, and that's what they charge for the vehicle. Nothing to freak out about, you can easily find the 'MSRP' by doing a search on one of the major search engines like Google.

To set up monthly payments, you must first know the value of the car, which must be agreed upon. When the dealer divides the agreed upon value of the vehicle by the length of the lease, you now have your monthly payments set up. This process does not start until you know the MSRP, because it's at this point and time that you can begin the negotiation process with the dealer.

It's obvious the dealership is gonna try to get the most profits they can get, so they are going to set the value as high as they can. Never let the dealer use a number that is higher than the MSRP, under no circumstances!

Ok, here is where knowledge and determination become one. You know the price, stick to it and don't back down. Understand the dealer will try to sell you extra features, options, and trinkets you really don't want or even need, and yes he will try to get pushy. Stand your ground, under no circumstances, don't let him do it.

Don't worry, as long as you do your due diligence with preparing and researching, it will not be a difficult process. It can even turn out to be a little entertaining. You are in control, remember you have the power. Do not sign anything until you have the best price possible that you can bargain for, if so then go ahead and do it.

Shop around, and make sure you take your figures to each dealership that you go to. This will not only help you to become more comfortable, but it will also give you the leverage you need in this process. Stick to your guns, hold your ground and you will find a great deal for sure.

These are just the basic tips and advice about how to negotiate a car lease to save you money. Make sure to do a little more research and preparation and you will do well. Remember, the dealer needs you, it's not the other way around. If you don't allow yourself to be tricked or bullied into a corner, you will get the vehicle you want for the price you want. - 21396

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