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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Donate A Car To Charity To Lower Your Taxes

By Daniel Gulberry

Most people assume that donating a car to charity is something only the rich use to reduce their tax burden. Anyone can file a tax return with itemized deductions if they take the time and effort required to do so. You will be responsible for keeping any receipts to substantiate your deduction claims, donating a car to charity is now easier than ever.

Charity organizations have relied on donated items for may years, although this is not the main source of the overall donation revenues. In a report issued by the General Accounting Office in 2003, charities were not bothered much by car donations. The average charity held as little as six per cent in intake was due to car donation.

A charity that is sanctioned by the IRS and has a legitimate non-profit tax ID number should be more than able to provide you with the required paperwork. These forms are necessary for you to make your deduction, the same as with any other type of deduction you save a receipt for.

It is not unusual for a taxpayer to decrease their tax bill by up to forty per cent by taking the time and effort to keep accurate records.

With the extra money available for donation that can come from car donation, charity giving can be very useful for bringing one's income down below the level where they might put you into a higher tax bracket. Near the end of the year there is often an increase in auto donation by those who are nearing a higher bracket they wish to avoid. This can save you quite a bit when done correctly.

As a rule of thumb, the sale value will be nowhere near the value it is listed as having in the Kelley Blue Book. This is due to the charity selling the car onto the wholesale or scrap markets. The IRS requires you to keep a receipt showing exactly how much the charity was able to get for the car, if the amount is over $250.

It is always a good idea to talk to a CPA, especially if you already have the services of one retained for your regular tax preparation advice. If you own a business, this is especially true. Even the same car donation to charity can vary greatly in its value to an individual's return. - 21396

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What You Need to Know About Car Insurance Quotes for Higher Deductibles

By Donovan Grange

With the economy the way it is these days, many people are trying to find ways to cut their expenses while still maintaining their necessities. Often times, when things get hard, people let the bills drop that they feel they can get away with and car insurance happens to be one the bills people feel are disposable -- even though having car insurance is required in every state.

Most people feel like they will just pick it up again once their situations improve, figuring that since they are a good driver -- defensive, law abiding, never speeding or talking on a cell phone -- that the odds of them needing it before they can reinstate it are pretty low. It is unfortunate that there are people in this situation, but there is an option: you can receive a car insurance quotes from your insurance agent for making your deductible higher.

Many people do not realize you can ask your insurance agent for a higher deductible in order to lower your monthly premiums. Often times, when you receive your car insurance quotes for a higher deductible, this can save hundreds of dollars a year on car insurance. Given that most people let their insurance lapse in order to make do at the time, this can be a huge motivator for keeping the car insurance and still saving some money. If you consider yourself a good driver then you are less likely to need insurance, so having a higher deductible is more than likely the best way to go in this situation. Then, you can rest easy with the knowledge that just in case something were to happen, you are still covered.

Basically, when you are receiving your car insurance quotes for the higher deductible, you will be choosing a deductible -- the out of pocket amount you would have to pay to repair your car in the event of an accident -- of either $250, $500 or $1000. By going with the $1000 deductible on your collision insurance, the insurance that covers the physical damage of your car in an accident, you can save upwards of 20% off your insurance bill. This can amount to huge savings for the car owner and is certainly worth checking out.

Higher deductibles might be preferred if you're a very good driver with a fairly blemish-free driving record. While we all would like to believe that we're good drivers, we need to look at the facts and recognize our driving imperfections. Whatever your skill and driving history, you can find an insurance plan that works for you. - 21396

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After a Road Traffic Accident, am I allowed to time off work?

By David Halbert

Road traffic laws have been established to reduce the danger of any accident caused by contemporary machinery which apart from making mobility easier for us has also created a high risk transportation situation for mankind. However, even with these rules, many accidents happen each day throughout the world.

In some countries, the incidences of accidents are higher than in other countries due to traffic conditions and other factors. Weather and climatic conditions also play an active part in creating conditions which might lead to accidents.

These accidents might also be caused by the negligence of people, which causes loss to not only themselves but also many others around them. The governments of many countries have established such laws which provide protection to those who suffer in these accidents due to the negligence of another person.

Many countries have provided their citizens with the right to claim for costs for any harm or loss caused by such an accident. The United Kingdom is also incorporated in these countries, and has established very harsh set of laws for such cases. Compensation claims are granted to all those who insist for compensation for any losses suffered by them in such accidents. However, the value of the compensation claim may differ depending on the real losses suffered by the person.

The compensation granted to someone depends on the circumstances of the accident, and various factors regarding the accident. If the person works for a company and suffers from an accident while performing a task for the company, then such a person would be granted special compensation from the company for his/her loss.

In some cases the company might give paid leave if the lesion is such that the person would get well soon and would be able to take up again work. However, this compensation might not be given if the injury might take some time to convalesce and the worker might need some time to rest before resuming work. In such cases, the company provides the worker with assurance that his/her post would be secure and he/she could resume work after his/her healing, however, the company may favour not to permit a paid leave.

The actual compensation granted by the company mainly depends on the circumstances of the accident and the extent of the injury. If the accident is due to the fault of the company then the company is legally bound to provide reasonable compensation to the worker. However, if the accident is not due to the fault of the company or the accident does not involve any work of the company then the company is not responsible.

In such cases the company might grant special compensation to ease the loss of their employee and to maintain a healthy working environment and provide employee satisfaction. As mentioned earlier, the company might provide work leave to such individuals, and they would be able to work after their recovery. This might also depend on company policy and also on the employment contract. Such provisions are specifically mentioned in the contract of employment. - 21396

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How to Break In a New Pocket Bike

By John Wall

Once you bring home a new pocket bike, there are breaking in procedures that need to be done. It is easy to get excited and want to ride around at top speed but if you do not properly break in the bike you risk cutting the engine life by almost half. That means you will be pouring money to maintain the bike much earlier than you should. There are many techniques to properly break in your new bike but two of the most popular strategies stand out.

The first method for breaking in new pocket bikes is heat cycling. To start you would run the bike at idle or just above idle for five to ten minutes. Once the time is up your engine should be below normal operating temperature. Then, turn off the bike and let the engine cool down. Once the engine has cooled down, turn it back on for another ten minutes then turn it off. Do this three more times for a total of four cycles.

After the bike has cooled down for the last of the heat cycling, it is time to take it out for a ride. Start off at a slow and easy pace and ride it for the entire tank of gas. Do not ride too hard or rev the engine too much to keep the engine from stressing. After the tank has emptied then it is ok to refuel and take the bike for normal riding.

The second method is less used but some people think it is more fun since you actually get to ride the bike. Begin warming up the engine by letting it idle for about five minutes. After the five minutes is up, slowly and gently bring up the throttle to where the clutch engages. This will keep the bike from lurching and throwing you off if you apply too much throttle while riding.

Now it is time to take the bike for a ride. Do a lap around the tracks at a very slow speed below normal. This helps to break in the tires. Then you can start to give it a little more gas and focus on hitting as wide a range of RPMs as possible by accelerating and decelerating.

It is important that after the first lap you check that the engine is warmed up enough before beginning. During the fifteen minutes of riding remember not to push the engine too hard or too slow. To keep the clutch from burning you have to keep it from engaging completely. You will know if the clutch is fully engaged by the bucking feel or the noise of the engine.

There are other methods of breaking in the pocket bikes but these two are the most common and standard. Once the bike is properly warmed up you are ready to hit the tracks, just remember to follow safety rules and wear proper safety gear when riding. - 21396

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Is More or Less Auto Insurance Coverage Better?

By Evelyn LeGrand

One of the most necessary -- and required -- aspects to owning a car is having car insurance to cover you, your vehicle and in some cases, the other driver should you find yourself in the unfavorable position of being in an accident. Like most insurance, car insurance can be confusing and difficult to understand... especially if you have an insurance agent whose primary focus is selling, selling, selling rather than providing you with the service and coverage you need. And that leads us to another question, how much car insurance do you actually need? And, how much is it going to cost you?

You definitely want to sit down with an insurance agent in order to determine the right amount of coverage necessary for your vehicle since every state has different laws that apply to what is required when it comes to insurance coverage. However, you can receive a car insurance quote -- either online or by phone -- in order to find out the approximate monthly out of pocket cost that is going to apply to you.

It is important, from a basic business point of view, for you to do your homework where the cost of insurance is concerned. This will prevent any unscrupulous insurance agent from taking advantage of you by charging you too much for whatever insurance coverage it is you need. Too, by searching for car insurance quotes, it may also be possible for you to find an insurance company that is reputable, but has much lower prices than their competition. This is probably one of the main reasons people request car insurance quotes in the first place. Once you have narrowed down your search to two or three insurance companies, you can schedule an appointment with each of them in order to determine what type of coverage is required in the state in which you live.

If you are just searching for the minimum coverage you can purchase, you will certainly need to find out exactly what that minimum will not cover in the event of an accident. Fortunately, the minimum required car insurance that is required in one state is often similar to that of other states, though specifics -- such as dollar amounts -- may be higher or lower. Typically, all states require bodily injury and property damage coverage, but some also require you to carry uninsured (or under-insured) motorist coverage as well.

When you are seeking your car insurance quotes, it might be beneficial for you to include this coverage as well, especially if you plan on traveling to a state that requires it. Once you have scheduled your appointments, prepare a list of questions and you will be able to choose your insurance agent, and the coverage you need, with confidence. - 21396

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